Other examples:
OpenLayers 2 (old)
Using the Google Maps API v3
Links to examples of various useful things and documentation
- V3 Documentation - tag on StackOverflow - tags on SO - gmaps-api-issues - geoxml3 issues - GMaps JS APIv3 notify list
- Google Maps API V3 discussion group
- little red "ride finder" markers
- little different colored "ride finder" markers - with shadows (post "visual refresh")
- normal sized colored markers - Normal Sized Markers with shadows (post "visual refresh")
- 3D version of different colored "ride finder" markers
- custom markers with infowindows (v2 infowindow behavior)
- normal sized colored markers with infowindows (v2 infowindow behavior)
- different colored markers available from google
- styling the infowindow with CSS
- Antipodes Map (translated to v3 from wayback machine link)
- Convex Hull example on set of random points
- Mike Williams' tutorial The Basics - Part 1: Markers with info windows translated to v3
- Mike Williams' tutorial The Basics - Part 2: Adding a clickable sidebar
- Mike Williams' tutorial The Basics - Part 3: Loading the data from an XML file
- Mike Williams' tutorial The Basics - Part 4: Getting Directions translated to v3
- Mike Williams' tutorial More advanced stuff - Part 26: Get directions on your own map translated to v3
- Mike Williams' tutorial The Basics - Lots of sidebar entries (4. Select box example) translated to v3
- Mike Williams' tutorial More advanced stuff - Part 25 Marker Categories
- Modified Mike Williams' example that changes the marker icons on mouseover/mouseout (v3) (his example for v2 is from this page [Sidebar mouseovers] of his tutorial).
- Add marker with open infowindow on map click
- Mike Williams' tutorial More advanced stuff - Part 20 Passing and receiving parameters translated to v3
- Mike Williams' tutorial More advanced stuff - Part 20 Passing and receiving parameters
- Mike Williams' tutorial Third Party Extensions - Part 15 Using EShapes - draws standard shapes translated to v3
- Mike Williams' tutorial epoly documentation - epoly2 documentation
- Add markers from coordinates in text box
- Geocoding/Directions Test Page - Geocode the start and end, then get directions
- Geographic Editing tool Based off of Blitz-GMap-Editor (which in turn is based off the Google Maps API v3 DrawingManager) - allows geographic objects to be edited (Polygons, Polylines, Markers, Circles, Rectangles), exported as KML or JSON, also imports JSON and Polygons from encoded strings.
- Rotate map tiles, create Markers/Polylines from JSON
- Bill Chadwick's Parallel Lines demo (March 2008, GMaps JS API v2)
- Directions examples
- Directions example with custom markers (icons)
- Color Directions Polyline by predicted speed (> 55 blue, < 55 black)
- Directions example with custom (dashed) polyline
- Directions with draggable start/end markers
- Directions with draggable start/end markers, reverse geocodes the dragged location
- Directions example with LatLng waypoint
- Directions example with address waypoint
- Directions with waypoint marker
- Directions with waypoint, total distance/duration
- Directions with waypoint marker and clickable polyline
- Animated directions (moving marker)
- Multiple Animated Markers on multiple routes (moving markers)
- Draggable Directions
- Draggable Directions to Xml
- Showing alternate directions
- Alternate directions with panel
- Combining mulitple responses, custom markers (12 locations, from coordinates) - 2nd example (22 locations, from addresses) - Combining multiple responses, numbered markers
- Travel Mode with waypoint (doesn't work for Transit)
- With "MiniMap" in infowindow
- Transit directions (doesn't work with waypoint)
- Dynamic Directions and RouteBoxer
- Interactive route, click to draw, drag to change
- Directions polyline with tooltip
- Directions arguments from the query string
- zip codes along route
- Drag Marker along polyline from Directions Service
- Towns along route (using routeboxer, places API)
- Directions between 2 markers in a KML file (using geoxml3)
- "Buffered" directions (using JSTS)
- find locations along route ("Buffered" directions using JSTS, point in polygon) - with origin, destination, waypoints from query string
- Display common points on 2 routes from the directions service
- Calculate miles travelled by state
- Marcelo's Drive Radius example (v2)[site no longer live] - Marcelo's Drive Radius example (ported to v3) (plot locations that reach 30 miles from a center point)
- Mile/Km Marker examples
- OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier (OMS) demos (library home on github is: https://github.com/jawj/OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier)
(This library makes map markers in the Google Maps API (version 3) that overlap each other spring apart gracefully when you click them, so you can pick the one you wanted)
- JSTS examples (library home on github is: https://github.com/bjornharrtell/jsts)
- Geocoder examples
- Places API examples
- Elevation examples
- OpenWeatherAPI ImageMapType examples
- Data Layer Examples
- Polygon examples
- Polyline examples
- Bounds examples
- Tabbed InfoWindows
- KmlLayer examples
- geoxml-v3 example(s) (Lance Dyas' port of GeoXml from v2 to v3; GeoXml based off of Mike Williams' EGeoxml)
- Making KML files smaller by reducing precision
geoxml3 documentation on GitHub
- geoxml3 examples & test cases (testing kmz implementation)
- geoxml3 examples & test cases (testing polyline & polygon implementation)
- from KmlMapParser examples
- show/hide markers (US state capitols)
- another marker test case
- show/hide markers - Kml with polyline and markers
- Load KML_Samples.kml
- Global Volcanism Program Weekly Report
- Simple Network Link Test - complete URL
- Simple Network Link Test - local file
- KML with Polygons
- KML Polygon with holes (now depends on winding direction, as of April 2011)
- Polygon winding calculation (very computationaly intensive on complicated polygons)
- KML winding reversal tool - before
- point in polygon example - version that takes KML URL in query string - version that takes multiple KML URLs in query string - same map, using Fusion Tables instead of geoxml3
- North Island/South Island, NZL - North Island/South Island, NZL example, with polygons from Google MyMap
- Access individual polygons
- State of Hawaii from KML (compare to kmlLayer)
- State of Alaska from KML (compare to kmlLayer) (complex KML, usual warnings apply with IE)
- US states w/ sidebar (complex KML, usual warnings apply with IE)
- US states, show selected state polygon from dropdown
- Polygons w/sidebar - Same, but using the google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation method
- highlight individual polygons return to original color
- highlight individual polygons from multiple KML files
- Highlight individual polygons (complex KML, usual warnings apply with IE)
- Custom parse function, manage "map" infowindow example
- Custom parse function, custom field from KML in external <div>
- AfterParse function to add markers at centroid/center of bounds of polygons - second example
- Custom createMarker function to add button to infowindow
- Custom createMarker function to add Street View to infowindow (looking at the marker)
- Projected Overlay test page from John Coryat (www.usnaviguide.com)
- Highlight polylines on mouseover
- Google "CTA" example
- override marker icon per KML file
- Dynamic sidebar of polygons in view (complex KML, usual warnings apply with IE)
- link to example
- Google "CTA" example (with highlighting and sidebar)
- Ground overlay - UN Map of Israel
- Map of Israel, Ground Overlay, Polygons
- Map of Georgia, Ground Overlay, Polygons
- Google maps image overlay with kml file (using geoxml3) (using KmlLayer)
- Map of Africa with capitols
- multiple kml files (complex KML, may require large amounts of memory and time to render) - Another example (3 polylines)
- two kml files
- five kml files
- six kml files
- another example with six kml files
- icons in the sidebar
- categories from kml styleID (polys branch) - categories from KML styleID (kmz branch)
- StyleMap rollover icon support example
- StyleMap rollover icon in KML_Samples
- StyleMap rollover polygon (multigeometry) support example
- suppressInfoWindow test
- Kml name and description on mouseover
- name "tooltip" on polygon mouseover
- geoxml3 parsed kml, clustered with MarkerClusterer
- hide/show clustered markers from kml
- line with multiple pieces
- Google example KML MultiGeometry with multiple LineStrings
- Linestring with multiple disconnected segments
- Display dynamic KML (single marker moving in a circle)
- Flight map, show route between clicked airports
- Animate marker on polyline from KML
- Fusion Tables
- Fusion Tables Users Group - Developers Guide - Reference
- Generic GeoJSON parsing for Fusion Tables v1.0 API examples:
(rudimentary, under development)
- Port of fusiontips example to the Fusion Tables API v1.0
- gviz example code
- Fusion Tables Map (started with this kml:Map of Africa with capitols)
- Fusion Tables Map with sidebar
- Capitals of the World Fusion Tables based map
- Playing with Fusion Tables - Natural Earth dataset and sidebars (and a modified version of geoxml3)
Italy - Greece - Albania - Georgia - UK - Russia - Israel - USA
- Fusion Tables/Natural Earth Data Country Browser - Country Browser Using Encrypted ID (new syntax)
- Select Multiple Countries
- Fusion Tables Map with sidebar
- Fusion Tables Map with sidebar, w/ polygon sidebar entries clickable
- Fusion Tables map with custom markers (specified by the load of the layer)
- two layer map, one infowindow - (original example, fusion tables removed)
- three fusion layers, selected by checkboxes
- Zoom to results of query (markers) (using GViz)
- Zoom to results of query (kml) (using GViz)
- Zoom to results of query (kml), multiple rows returned by query, multiple types of placemarks (using GViz)
- Panto results of query (kml), single marker (using GViz, geoxml3)
- Zip code labels on polygons (using GViz)
- UK postcode polygon (using FusionTable and GViz)
- Zoom to county (Indiana) polygon
- Zoom to zip code polygon (Florida)
- Point in polygon examples
- Fusion Table w/ Directions (based off this google example, and this example table (ficticious data)
- Center initial map on data
- create polyline from coordinates in FusionTable
- create circles around coordinates retrieved from FusionTable
- combine multiple rows into table in infowindow
- Combine multiple rows, select row with dropdown (by date)
- Filter set by radioboxes
- clickable world map from FusionTables/NaturalEarthDataset
- clickable world map from FusionTables/NaturalEarthDataset, KmlLayer for zoom level 0,1 so no "dots" - clickable world map using KmlLayer
clickable US map using KmlLayer
- ORDER BY workaround using GViz
- ORDER BY workaround with custom (numbered) icons
- Mouseovers on polygons from FusionTables (using GViz)
- Interactive MBTA (Boston "T") map using FusionTables
- change polygon color on click
- switching marker icons defined in two columns
- Mickey Shaped Solar Farm (near Orlando) [KML] - [JSON]
Using the Google Maps API V2
Links to examples of various useful things and documentation